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철도역사 이야기 하나 되어 꽃이 되다 마산역 Masan Station

by 디지털 노마드 27 2021. 8. 8.

철도역 이야기

Railway Station Story

하나 되어 꽃이 되다

Masan Station

역(驛) 이야기 Station Story

세곳에서 출발한 하나의 마산역

1927년 마산역이 보통역으로 영업을 개시한 이후 전국 7대 도시로 꼽힐 만큼 무서운 속도로 성장한 개항도시 마산에는 3개의 역이 있었다. 현재의 마산 육호광장에 위치했던 구마산역과, 노산동의 북마산역 그리고 월포동에 있었던 마산역이다.1977년 경전선 마산 시내 구간 이설로 인해 구마산역, 북마산역, 마산역이 하나의 마산역으로 통합되면서 과거의 역사가위치했던 곳에는 역사 터를 알리는 표지석이 남았다. 통합 역사가 신축된 합성동은 당시 아무것도 없는 벌판이었지만, 역사주변으로 사람들이 모여들면서 새로운 도시가 형성되었다. 지금의 역사는 2010년 12월 KTX 운행과 경전선 복선전철건설사업에 발맞춰 증축된 선상역사이다.

Masan Station opened as an ordinary station in 1927. While Masan was developing rapidly as a major open port city, three stations were constructed: Kumasan Station in the current Masan Yukho Plaza, Bukmasan Station in Nosan-dong, and Masan Station in Wolpo-dong. In 1977, Kumasan Station, Bukmasan Station, and Masan Station were merged into Masan Station due to the relocation of the Gyeongjeon Line, leaving monuments marking the site of the former stations. The merged Masan station in Hapseong-dong first started without many convenient facilities, but the new town was built around the station later. The current over-track station was remodeled in correspondence with the operation of KTX and the double-track construction on the Gyeongjeon Line in December 2010

지역 이야기 Local Story

행복한 폐선로, 임항선 그린웨이

임항선은 마산합포구 마산세관에서 마산회원구 석전동 인근까지 옛 마산 도심을 관통하는 철길로, 항구에 닿은 배의 짐을기차로 옮기기 위한 선로로 부설되었다. 1977년 이후에는 석탄이나 군수물자 등을 운반하는 화물전용철도로 쓰였지만도로교통의 발달로 2011년 2월 결국 폐선되고 만다. 그러나 오랫동안 지역 주민과 함께했던 임항선은 오늘날에도 여전히길이다. 임항선 4.6Km 구간내 보존된 철길을 활용한 산책로, 자전거도로, 분수와, 쉼터를 설치하여 임항선 그린웨이'로거듭났고, 1977년 사라진 북마산역은 모형으로 복원되어 마산철도의 역사를 보여주고 있다.

The Imhang Line is a railroad track that runs through the old Masan city center from Masan Customs in Masanhappo-gu to Seokjeon-dong in Masanhoewon-gu. The track was initially built to transport the cargo from the port by train. Since 1977, it was used as a freight railway for transporting coal and military supplies. With the development of road traffic, the line was eventually closed in February 2011. However, the long-standing Imhang Line with local residents was preserved as a path for pedestrians and bicycles. The reborn path is called 'Imhang Line Greenway, 4.6km-long passage including fountains and shelters. Bukmasan Station, demolished in 1977, was restored as a model to show the history of the Railway in Masan.

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